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How Much Does the Hopper Cost?
How Much Does the Hopper Cost?
The Hopper Duo Smart HD DVR is now included when you choose a qualifying TV package.* So for no additional cost, you can record 2 shows at once, store over 100 hours of HD programming, make use of the DISH Voice Remote and immediately access built-in entertainment apps like Netflix and Pandora!
Not only that, but you can utilize features like the Game Finder app to keep up with important sports matchups, control your TV with your voice using your Amazon Alexa, watch HD content in any two rooms of your home, and use Integrated Search to find any movie, show, actor or team across all television, on demand or Netflix content.
*All offers require credit qualification, 2-Year commitment with early termination fee and eAutoPay.

What Does it Cost to Upgrade to the DISH Hopper?
When you subscribe to a qualifying package your DISH Hopper Duo Smart HD DVR is included.* There are no upfront costs to use this enhanced receiver with your TV package. Advanced DVR capabilities and built-in apps are just a few of the reasons to add the Hopper Duo Smart HD DVR to your home.
You can also expand your entertainment experience and enjoy all the shows and movies you love on your Hopper Duo in any room in your house with a DISH Joey. Explore a DISH Joey, Wireless Joey, a Joey 4K or a Joey 3.0! Not only that, but you can get the most out of your DISH package and upgrade to the DISH Hopper 3 for even more recording capabilities, storage space and other special features to maximize your home TV experience.
Make the switch today! Upgrade to DISH & Get Up to $300 in Gift Cards!**for qualifying customers 1-703-202-4105Order Online
Q. |
How much is the Hopper per month? |
A. |
Using your DISH Hopper 3 as your primary receiver comes with no monthly receiver costs. Monthly DVR and whole-home fees do apply, but they cost only $10 per month. This Hopper cost per month allows you to take advantage of the DVR’s 16 tuners, 2 terabytes of storage and features like PrimeTime Anytime. |
Q. |
What other DISH hardware add-ons are available? |
A. |
You can also add additional TVs to your whole-home entertainment system! With the Hopper 3, you can enable an additional 6 Joeys, Wireless Joeys, 4K Joeys, Joey 3.0s or Super Joeys. The Hopper 3 is able to support as many as 7 TVs, allowing you to enjoy all its features throughout your home. Adding Joeys or 4K Joeys to your home is $5 per month each. The Super Joey, with two additional tuners for more DVR power, is $10 a month. |
Q. |
How much is the Hopper 3? |
A. |
Upgrading to the innovative Hopper 3 costs no more than the earlier models of the Hopper. Enjoy all the features of the Hopper 3 Smart HD DVR, including 4K programming and integrated Netflix, for just $5 more a month when you subscribe to a qualifying DISH TV package. |
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What is the Hopper Upgrade from DISH?
DISH now includes a Hopper Duo Smart HD DVR with your qualifying TV package.* This means that instead of a Wally receiver, you’ll receive the Hopper Duo and enjoy the easy-to-use DVR with no extra cost upfront! With no upgrade cost or fees on the Hopper Duo, there’s no reason not to experience all the exciting features the Hopper has to offer.
For a small extra cost per month, you can upgrade your home television experience by adding a DISH Joey, a Joey 3.0, a Joey 4K, a Super Joey or a Wireless Joey and expand your favorite content and features from the Hopper to every other room throughout your home! And if you wanted to upgrade your core DISH DVR hardware, the Hopper 3 Smart HD DVR packs even more features, more storage space and more recording capability for just an extra $5 per month!
*All offers require credit qualification, 2-Year commitment with early termination fee and eAutoPay.
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