Sling Freestream Channel List
40 y 20 | Da Vinci | Las 3 Marias by Vix | ScreamBoxTV |
A&E Sneak Peek | DangerTV | Law & Crime Rewind | Scripps News |
Aaj Tak | DangerTV Latino | Lego | Sensical Gaming |
ABC News Live | Dark Matter TV | Lifetime Sneak Peek | Sensical Jr. |
ACL Cornhole TV | DeFiance | Lo Mejor de Liga MX by Vix | Sensical Makers |
AFV Family | Discovery Sneak Peek | Lo Mejor de Vina Del Mar | Shorts |
Al Arabiya | Documentary+ | Lo Que la Vida me Robo | Shout Factory TV |
Al Jazeera | Docurama | Lone Star | Paramount+ with Showtime Sneak Peek |
ALF | DogTV | Los Heroes del Norte | Slightly Off by IFC |
All Reality by WE tv | Dove Channel | Loupe | TBS Sneak Peek |
All Weddings by WE tv | Dust Sci-Fi | Love Nature (English) | TNT Sneak Peek |
allblk Gems | El Reino Infantil | Love Nature (Spanish) | So Yummy |
Alter Horror | Electric Now | Love Pets | So…Real |
AMC+ Sneak Peek | ESPN On Demand | Love Stories TV | Sony Kal Hindi |
AMC En Espanol | ESR | Magnolia Selects | Sortilegio |
AMC Thrillers | ESTV | Maverick Blood Cinema | Sports Grid |
America’s Test Kitchen | EuroNews (English) | MGM+ Sneak Peek | SportStak |
Amor Real | EuroNews (Spanish) | Mi Estugo | Starz On Demand |
Amores Verdaderos | Fail Army | Mi Gorda Bella | Stories by AMC |
Angelique by Vix | Family Time | Midnight Pulp | Swerve Sports |
Anime x Hidive | Farscape | Misterios sin Resolver | Tastemade |
Aqui y Ahora | Fawesome | Mixible | Tastemade Home |
Architectural Digest | Fight Network | Moovi Mex | Tastemade Travel |
ARY News | Filmrise | MTRSSPT 1 | TBN |
Asiancrush | Flixfling | MTV Biggest Pop | TD Ameritrade Network |
At Home with Family Handyman | Flixfling Now | MTV Pluto TV | Teresa |
Baby Shark by pinkfong | FLOU Caribenoj | MTV Spankin’ New | The Archive |
Barstool Sports | FLOU Cine | Mystery Science Theater 3000 | The Bob Ross Channel |
Baywatch Remastered | France 24 (French) | MyTime Movie Network (English) | The Carol Burnett Show |
beIN Sports Xtra | France 24 (English) | MyTime Movie Network (Spanish) | The Country Network |
BET Pluto TV | Free Movies+ | N+ | The Design Channel |
Billiard TV | FSTV | N+ Media | The Elvis Presley Channel |
Bon Appetit | Galanes | NHK World Japan | The Film Detective |
Boxing TV | Game Show Network | NHRA | The Grapevine |
Brainstorm Indie Movies | Glamour | Nick Jr. Pluto TV | The Grio |
BUZZR | Glewed TV | Nosey | The Pet Collective |
Camino al Cielo | GoTraveler | Nosey Escandalos | The Rugby Network |
Canela Cinema | GQ | Nosotros los Guapos | The Walking Dead Universe |
Canela Clasicos | Grandes Parejas by Vix | Noticias Univision 24-7 | Tokushoutsu |
Canela Deportes | Gravitas Movies | Novelas de Asia | Total Crime |
Canela Telenovelas | Grokker | Novelas de Oro by Vix | Triunfo del Amor |
Canela.TV | GustoTV | Novelas de Romance by Vix | True Royalty |
Carnegie Hall+ | Hallmark Movies Now | Operacion Repo | TruTV Sneak Peek |
Cartoon Network & Adult Swim Sneak Peek | Hasta que el Dinero nos Separe | Outside TV | TVP World |
CBS News | HauntTV | Outside TV Features | Una Familia de Diez |
Cheddar News | Heartland | Overtime | UP Faith & Family |
Choppertown | Here TV | PAC Films | USA Today |
Cine Club by Vix | Hi-Yah! | PAC-2 Insider | USA Today Sports |
Cine De Oro by Vix | History Time | People are Awesome | Vanity Fair |
Cine Retro by Vix | Homeful | PlayersTV | Vecinos |
Cine Life | Hopster | Pocket.Watch | Vertical |
Cinevault 80’s | IFC Films Picks | PokerGO | VH1 I Love Reality |
Cinevault Classics | Impact | Portlandia by IFC | Vivo Play |
Cinevault Murder & Mayhem | India Today | Q/T | Vix Deportes 21 |
Cinevault Westerns | Infast | QVC | Vix Deportes 22 |
Circle | jajaja by Vix | RCN Mas+ | Vix Deportes 23 |
CMT Pluto TV | Jimmy Kimmel Live | RCTV | Vogue |
Cocina TV by Vix | Johnny Carson TV | Realmadrid TV | Waypoint TV |
Comedy Central Pluto TV | Juana la Virgen | Real Nosey | Weather Spy |
Comedy Dynamics | Kartoon Channel | Rebelde | WFV |
Como Dice el Dicho | La Familia P. Luche | Red Bull Batalla | WildEarth |
Cops En Espanol | La Fea mas Bella | Red Bull TV | Wired |
Cortos | La Parodia | Retro Crush | Zona TUDN |
Cowboy Way | La Promesa | Risa Picante by Vix | ZoneTV |
Cronicas | La Que no Podia Amar | Risas de Oro by Vix | |
Cuidado con el Angel | La Rosa de Guadalupe | Ryan Friends | |
Curiosity Stream | La Usurpadora | Sala de Emergencias |
40 y 20 | La Usurpadora |
A&E Sneak Peek | Las 3 Marias by Vix |
Aaj Tak | Law & Crime Rewind |
ABC News Live | Lego |
ACL Cornhole TV | Lifetime Sneak Peek |
AFV Family | Lo Mejor de Liga MX by Vix |
Al Arabiya | Lo Mejor de Vina Del Mar |
Al Jazeera | Lo Que la Vida me Robo |
ALF | Lone Star |
All Reality by WE tv | Los Heroes del Norte |
All Weddings by WE tv | Loupe |
allblk Gems | Love Nature (English) |
Alter Horror | Love Nature (Spanish) |
AMC+ Sneak Peek | Love Pets |
AMC En Espanol | Love Stories TV |
AMC Thrillers | Magnolia Selects |
America’s Test Kitchen | Maverick Blood Cinema |
Amor Real | MGM+ Sneak Peek |
Amores Verdaderos | Mi Estugo |
Angelique by Vix | Mi Gorda Bella |
Anime x Hidive | Midnight Pulp |
Aqui y Ahora | Misterios sin Resolver |
Architectural Digest | Mixible |
ARY News | Moovi Mex |
Asiancrush | MTRSSPT 1 |
At Home with Family Handyman | MTV Biggest Pop |
Baby Shark by pinkfong | MTV Pluto TV |
Barstool Sports | MTV Spankin’ New |
Baywatch Remastered | Mystery Science Theater 3000 |
beIN Sports Xtra | MyTime Movie Network (English) |
BET Pluto TV | MyTime Movie Network (Spanish) |
Billiard TV | N+ |
Bon Appetit | N+ Media |
Boxing TV | NHK World Japan |
Brainstorm Indie Movies | NHRA |
BUZZR | Nick Jr. Pluto TV |
Camino al Cielo | Nosey |
Canela Cinema | Nosey Escandalos |
Canela Clasicos | Nosotros los Guapos |
Canela Deportes | Noticias Univision 24-7 |
Canela Telenovelas | Novelas de Asia |
Canela.TV | Novelas de Oro by Vix |
Carnegie Hall+ | Novelas de Romance by Vix |
Cartoon Network & Adult Swim Sneak Peek | Operacion Repo |
CBS News | Outside TV |
Cheddar News | Outside TV Features |
Choppertown | Overtime |
Cine Club by Vix | PAC Films |
Cine De Oro by Vix | PAC-2 Insider |
Cine Retro by Vix | People are Awesome |
Cine Life | PlayersTV |
Cinevault 80’s | Pocket.Watch |
Cinevault Classics | PokerGO |
Cinevault Murder & Mayhem | Portlandia by IFC |
Cinevault Westerns | Q/T |
Circle | QVC |
CMT Pluto TV | RCN Mas+ |
Cocina TV by Vix | RCTV |
Comedy Central Pluto TV | Realmadrid TV |
Comedy Dynamics | Real Nosey |
Como Dice el Dicho | Rebelde |
Cops En Espanol | Red Bull Batalla |
Cortos | Red Bull TV |
Cowboy Way | Retro Crush |
Cronicas | Risa Picante by Vix |
Cuidado con el Angel | Risas de Oro by Vix |
Curiosity Stream | Ryan Friends |
Da Vinci | Sala de Emergencias |
DangerTV | ScreamBoxTV |
DangerTV Latino | Scripps News |
Dark Matter TV | Sensical Gaming |
DeFiance | Sensical Jr. |
Discovery Sneak Peek | Sensical Makers |
Documentary+ | Shorts |
Docurama | Shout Factory TV |
DogTV | Showtime Sneak Peek |
Dove Channel | Slightly Off by IFC |
Dust Sci-Fi | TBS Sneak Peek |
El Reino Infantil | TNT Sneak Peek |
Electric Now | So Yummy |
ESPN On Demand | So…Real |
ESR | Sony Kal Hindi |
ESTV | Sortilegio |
EuroNews (English) | Sports Grid |
EuroNews (Spanish) | SportStak |
Fail Army | Starz On Demand |
Family Time | Stories by AMC |
Farscape | Swerve Sports |
Fawesome | Tastemade |
Fight Network | Tastemade Home |
Filmrise | Tastemade Travel |
Flixfling | TBN |
Flixfling Now | TD Ameritrade Network |
FLOU Caribenoj | Teresa |
FLOU Cine | The Archive |
France 24 (French) | The Bob Ross Channel |
France 24 (English) | The Carol Burnett Show |
Free Movies+ | The Country Network |
FSTV | The Design Channel |
Galanes | The Elvis Presley Channel |
Game Show Network | The Film Detective |
Glamour | The Grapevine |
Glewed TV | The Grio |
GoTraveler | The Pet Collective |
GQ | The Rugby Network |
Grandes Parejas by Vix | The Walking Dead Universe |
Gravitas Movies | Tokushoutsu |
Grokker | Total Crime |
GustoTV | Triunfo del Amor |
Hallmark Movies Now | True Royalty |
Hasta que el Dinero nos Separe | TruTV Sneak Peek |
HauntTV | TVP World |
Heartland | Una Familia de Diez |
Here TV | UP Faith & Family |
Hi-Yah! | USA Today |
History Time | USA Today Sports |
Homeful | Vanity Fair |
Hopster | Vecinos |
IFC Films Picks | Vertical |
Impact | VH1 I Love Reality |
India Today | Vivo Play |
Infast | Vix Deportes 21 |
jajaja by Vix | Vix Deportes 22 |
Jimmy Kimmel Live | Vix Deportes 23 |
Johnny Carson TV | Vogue |
Juana la Virgen | Waypoint TV |
Kartoon Channel | Weather Spy |
La Familia P. Luche | WFV |
La Fea mas Bella | WildEarth |
La Parodia | Wired |
La Promesa | Zona TUDN |
La Que no Podia Amar | ZoneTV |
La Rosa de Guadalupe |

Free TV Channels and Movies on Sling Freestream
Sling Freestream boasts a streaming library of over 210 live television channels, from news networks like ABC News, entertainment like Buzzr, IFC and VH1 I Love Reality, as well as sports channels like USA Today Sports and lifestyle networks like GQ.
There’s also over 40,000 hours of free on-demand TV shows and movies on Freestream as well, including popular shows like Jimmy Kimmel Live, Gordon Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares and Forensic Files. Sling Freestream’s online library is vast and ever-growing, ensuring that every time you load it up on your favorite device you’ll find something new to love or something familiar to get lost in all over again.
International and Latino Content on Freestream
With Sling Freestream you’ll get a slew of channels broadcasting Latino and international content. Major international networks such as Al Jazeera Arabic, Euronews and AajTak International are available to give you global non-English news coverage, and Spanish-language content is available through channels like La Rosa de Guadelupe, Noticias Univision 24/7 and beIN Sports Extra. As with everything else on Sling Freestream, these are all completely free.
If you’re interested in international and Latino content beyond Freestream, Sling also offers a variety of low-cost standalone channel packages with even more Spanish-language channels for you to choose from. And if you sign up for even a basic Sling TV package and you have an antenna at home, you’ll have access to local Spanish-language channels like Telemundo and Univision.

Getting Started with Sling Freestream
If it seems like a lot to jump into a new streaming service, rest assured that getting started with watching free and fantastic streaming content with Sling Freestream is quick and super simple. As long as you have high-speed internet, then just choose whichever streaming device you’d like to watch Sling on (or even select a device through Sling if you don’t already have a compatible device).
From there just sign up for a free Sling account for full access to the entire Freestream library, choose whatever content lineup most appeals to you and get started with watching the hundreds of channels and thousands of hours worth of on-demand content available to you! It’s as simple as that – completely free and no credit card required!
Save Big on an AirTV Mini with Sling Freestream
If you’re in the market for a new Sling-compatible streaming device and are interested in a Sling TV subscription beyond Freestream, there’s a special offer available just for you. You can get an AirTV Mini (a $79.99 value) absolutely free when you prepay for 2 months of Sling TV!
The AirTV Mini is an award-winning streaming device optimized specifically for use with Sling services. Easily watch all your favorite content from Sling as well as other streaming services from your channel guide, have one-touch access to Sling and Netflix straight from your remote, use Bluetooth connectivity to control your AirTV Mini, TV and sound system from the remote as well, and even watch high-quality 4K streaming content (with a 4K display).

Get Month Over Month Savings With Sling! Start Your Free Trial Now!